On a recent cruise with my husband and some family, as part of the itinerary we visited Santorini, yet again. It is such a lovely island, part of the Cyclades Islands. The only problem with our most recent trip, which varied greatly from our previous trip there, was the fact that there were 5 cruise ships in port at the same time! Just crazy considering the sheer size of the island and lack of space for so many in such a short period of time. Such a shame for our first time family visitors to experience it this way.
It was still lovely to visit in spite of the crowds and we learned so many wonderful tidbits about the island as we toured about.
For example, did you know that:
1. They experienced a traumatic earthquake in 1956 that registered 7.7 on the richter scale that severely damaged the island's infrastructure?
2. They only experience 12 inches of rain annually?
3. They have 360 churches on the island, with many being private?
4. The cable car was a donation by a local family and the money they raise with the fees goes to charity?
5. The cable car in Fira carries 1200 people per hour?
6. The whitewash of the buildings actually repels insects along with also reflecting the power of the heat from the sun?
7. The last volcanic action occurred in 1950?
8. Santorini has 15 wineries on the island?
9. Pyrgos, the oldest medieval town dates back to the 14th century when there were castles and pirates?
10. The highest point of the island is Profitis Ilias (i.e. Prophet Elijah) Mountain with staggeringly beautiful views.
If you have any desire whatsoever to visit Santorini, either by ship or preferably by land, please don't hesitate to contact me - it truly is magnificent!